###### PercLearn\PLExp1\README-2008-02-22.txt README for the PLExp1 folder, release 1.1.1, 22 Feb 2008. This folder contains the raw data for the perceptual learning experiment in non-stationary contexts with feedback, described in: Petrov, A., Dosher, B, and Lu, Z.-L. (2005). The dynamics of perceptual learning: An incremental reweighting model. Psychological Review, 112 (4), 715-743. Reprint available at http://alexpetrov.com/pub/perclearn/ See also the follow-up: Petrov, A., Dosher, B, and Lu, Z.-L. (2006). Perceptual Learning Without Feedback in Non-Stationary Contexts: Data and model. Vision Research, 46, 3177-3197. Reprint available at http://alexpetrov.com/pub/plfeedbk/ The PLExp1 folder contains the following subfolders(**) and files(--): ** programs -- MATLAB software that administered the experiment It uses PsychToolbox (http://psychtoolbox.org/) on Matlab 5.2 running on Mac OS 9. Also uses files from work\utils Some particularly important files are: -- PLExp1_params.m -- definition of the stimuli, trial sequence, etc. -- PLExp1.m -- main program administering the experiment -- raw_data.dat -- a massive ASCII file containing all data from the 13 "good" participants in the feedback experiment. See programs\PLExp1.m for the data format. Generally, there is one row per trial and many columns specifying the Gabor orientation, contrast, context direction, as well as the response and RT of the subject. The data were collected at Professor Dosher's lab at UCI (SSL 340) in January and Feb 2002. -- S.mat -- A saved MATLAB structure S generated from the raw data by import_PLE_data.m and PLE_data_by_sbj.m This structure contains all data and is used for all subsequent analyses. [S.mat is not stored in the .zip archive but is regenerated from raw_data.dat by the ..\PercLean_install script.] -- README.TXT -- this file All this software (possibly in newer versions) is available for download from http://alexpetrov.com/proj/plearn/ In the (unlikely) event that the web site has moved, just Google search for "Alex Petrov". See ..\PLReadme2008-02-22.txt and PercLearn_install for installation instructions. See also: work\PLModel1 for various versions of the multi-channel reweighting model, work\PLExp2 for follow-up experiment without feedback, work\utils for files such as gabor.m, PlayMovieStruct.m, and paramsearch.m. If something doesn't work or some relevant files are missing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your interest in this work. Good luck! -- Alex ------------------------------------------------------------- Alexander A. Petrov: apetrov [at] alexpetrov [dot] com Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 http://alexpetrov.com It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. -------------------------------------------------------------